If you’re diving into the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy and want to stand out with a name that brings a smile to your face every time you play, you’re in the right place. Choosing a name for your character is a big decision—it sets the tone for your entire wizarding journey. Whether you’re a fan of puns, and wordplay, or just want something downright hilarious, we’ve compiled a list of funny names for Hogwarts Legacy that will make your character unforgettable. Get ready to add a touch of humor to your magical adventures!

1. Wizardly Wordplays

Start your Hogwarts adventure with these pun-laden names, perfect for adding a touch of humor to your magical escapades. Here are 50 witty names inspired by classic Harry Potter elements.

  1. Albus Dumbbelldore
  2. Wand-a Be
  3. Sirius Laughter
  4. Potter Plant
  5. Hermy-own-ninny
  6. Dumble-bored
  7. Voldewarts
  8. Snapes on a Plane
  9. Hairy Otter
  10. Cho Chang Chong
  11. Muggle Struggle
  12. Gilderoy Jokehart
  13. Moanin’ Myrtle
  14. Luna Lovegood
  15. Cedric Diggery-doo
  16. Quirky Shacklebolt
  17. Neville Wears Prada
  18. Draco MalFunky
  19. Percy Weaselby
  20. Bellatrix LeStrangeness
  21. Hagrid’s Hut Hair
  22. Lucius More money
  23. Dolores Umbrageous
  24. Severe Snape
  25. Filius Light fingers
  26. Igor Kakaroff
  27. Arthur Wheezes
  28. Nymphadora Nots
  29. Minerva Mischief
  30. Cornelius Fumbled
  31. Fudge Flounder
  32. Rita Skitter
  33. Peter Pettishrew
  34. Barty Crouchpot
  35. Granger Danger
  36. Weasley King
  37. Moony Loony
  38. Lockhart-away
  39. James Potluck
  40. Lily’s Pad
  41. Helga Hufflefun
  42. Salazar Slytherkins
  43. Rowena Ravenclawsome
  44. Godric Gryffindor
  45. Tom Riddle Me This
  46. Ollivander’s Wanderlust
  47. Newt Salamander
  48. McGonagall Got Game
  49. Horace Slimehorn
  50. Regulus Starbuck

2. Charms and Chuckles

In this section, explore a mix of charm and humor with names that play off magical spells, potions, and typical wizard activities. Here are 60 magical mishaps and puns.

  1. Expelliarmus Xtra
  2. Lumos Maxima Fun
  3. Alohomora Unlocka
  4. Avada Kedaughter
  5. Crucio Craycray
  6. Wingardium LevioSAW
  7. Riddikulus Rhyme
  8. Imperio Insanity
  9. Accio Funnio
  10. Expecto Patr-LOL
  11. Bat-Bogey Hexagon
  12. Jelly-Legs Jig
  13. Tickle Charm Tickler
  14. Bubble-Head Buffoon
  15. Cheese Spell Cheddar
  16. Pepper-Up Pops
  17. Pumpkin Pastie Prankster
  18. Fizzing Whizbees
  19. Levitating Loafers
  20. Gillyweed Giggler
  21. Veritaserum Vagabond
  22. Polyjuicy Potion
  23. Amortentia Amore
  24. Draught of Living Drollery
  25. Felix Funnies
  26. Hiccoughing Hilarity
  27. Wolfsbane Wanderer
  28. Floo Powder Fumbler
  29. Portkey Pranker
  30. Transfiguration Twister
  31. Sellotape Splicer
  32. Muffliato Mix-up
  33. Obliviate Oops
  34. Confundus Conundrum
  35. Locomotor Locomotive
  36. Nox Knocks
  37. Piertotum Tickler
  38. Reparo Rarebit
  39. Stupefy Stupor
  40. Unbreakable Vow: Unbroken Laughter
  41. Vanishing Vanisher
  42. Slughorn’s Snail Pace
  43. Sectumsempra Snickers
  44. Protego Totalum Total Laughter
  45. Animagus Antics
  46. Pensieve Peek-a-boo
  47. Diagonally Diagonal
  48. Spellbound Silliness
  49. Knight Bus Nonsense
  50. Marauder’s Mischief

3. House Playfulness

House Playfulness

Celebrating the four Hogwarts houses, this table features names that reflect the spirit and characteristics of each house, blended with a touch of humor.

4. Potion-Inspired Puns

Delving into the delightful world of magical concoctions, these names draw inspiration from famous wizarding potions, adding a humorous twist to their renowned effects.

  1. Love Potion Lunatic
  2. Polyjuice Joker
  3. Felix Felicis Funnyman
  4. Draught of Living Deathly Hilarity
  5. Veritaserum Verbiage
  6. Amortentia Amuser
  7. Elixir of Euphoria
  8. Pepper up Peeper
  9. Wolfsbane Wanderer
  10. Sleeping, Draught Droll
  11. Strengthening Solution Stooge
  12. Memory Mix-up
  13. Confusing Concoction Clown
  14. Aging Antic
  15. Beautification Buffoon
  16. Befuddlement Brew
  17. Swelling Solution Silliness
  18. Shrinking Snicker
  19. Wideye Wakey
  20. Invisibility Inanity
  21. Girding Giggles
  22. Herbicide Hilarity
  23. The antidote to Common Poisons Prankster
  24. Undetectable Extension Charm Chuckles
  25. Deflating Draft
  26. Laughing Potion
  27. Invigoration Draught
  28. Slow Slumber
  29. Essence of Dittany Delight
  30. Pain Relief Riff
  31. Doxycide Dope
  32. Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder Ploy
  33. Regeneration Jape
  34. Cure for Boils Boisterousness
  35. Babbling Beverage Babbler
  36. Blood-Replenishing Antidote Antics
  37. Forgetfulness Potion Fool
  38. Hair-Raising Hare
  39. Laxative Potion Levity
  40. Metamorphmagus Mirth

5. Enchanting Enigmas

Explore a collection of mysterious and enchanting character names in this table, each inspired by arcane spells and legendary artifacts from the wizarding world.

Enchanting Enigmas

6. Magical Menagerie

For those enchanted by the diverse creatures of the wizarding world, these names mix a touch of the fantastic with a dash of the absurd. Here are 40 names inspired by magical beasts and their quirky traits.

  1. Niffler’s Knickknack
  2. Bowtruckle Boogie
  3. Hippogriff Hoot
  4. Dragon Drollery
  5. Basilisk Blink
  6. Thestral Thrum
  7. Mermaid Mirth
  8. Goblin Guffaw
  9. Centaur Chuckle
  10. Acromantula Antics
  11. Pixie Peculiarity
  12. Werewolf Whoopee
  13. Veela Vibe
  14. Griffin Giggles
  15. Manticore Mockery
  16. Leprechaun Lark
  17. Troll Twitter
  18. Phoenix Phun
  19. Sphinx Spree
  20. Kneazle Capers
  21. Crumple-Horned Snorkack Snickers
  22. Diricawl Droll
  23. Mooncalf Mischief
  24. Occamy Occasions
  25. Puffskein Puffery
  26. Thunderbird Thrum
  27. Graphorn Gags
  28. Zouwu Zest
  29. Demiguise Deception
  30. Knarl Knockabout
  31. Flobberworm Fun
  32. Plumpy Play
  33. Quintaped Quips
  34. Salamander Silliness
  35. Serpent Serenade
  36. Chimaera Chortle
  37. Augurey Awes
  38. Billywig Buzz
  39. Bowtruckle Bounce
  40. Doxy Doodles

7. Spellbound Surnames

For the player who enjoys blending traditional wizarding surnames with a twist of humor, these whimsical names offer a nod to legacy while keeping the mood light.

  1. Potter’s Potholes
  2. Snidget Snickers
  3. Black’s Bloopers
  4. Weasley’s Wheezes
  5. Longbottom’s Loops
  6. Malfoy’s Mischief
  7. Lovegood’s Loony
  8. Scamander’s Scrambles
  9. Dumbledore’s Doodles
  10. Moody’s Missteps
  11. Crouch’s Chuckles
  12. Skeeter’s Squeaks
  13. Bagshot’s Babbles
  14. Slughorn’s Slips
  15. Fudge’s Funnies
  16. Grindelwald’s Grins
  17. Riddle’s Ribs
  18. Sprout’s Sprinkles
  19. Flitwick’s Flicks
  20. Hooch’s Hoots
  21. Kettleburn’s Kinks
  22. Lestrange’s Laughs
  23. Bones’s Bonanza
  24. Burke’s Bursts
  25. Carrow’s Cackles
  26. Diggle’s Digs
  27. Dolohov’s Delights
  28. Edgecombe’s Edges
  29. Finnigan’s Funnies
  30. Gaunt’s Giggles
  31. Hagrid’s Howlers
  32. Jordan’s Jests
  33. Krum’s Kinks
  34. Lestrange’s Larks
  35. Macnair’s Mirth
  36. Nott’s Notes
  37. Ollivander’s Oddities
  38. Prewett’s Pranks
  39. Quirrell’s Quirks
  40. Rosier’s Roars
  41. Shackle bolt’s Shuffle
  42. Tonks’s Tumbles
  43. Umbridge’s Uproars
  44. Vector’s Vectors
  45. Wood’s Whims
  46. Yaxley’s Yucks
  47. Zabini’s Zingers

8. Wizarding World Wonders

This section brings together the magic of the wizarding world with a humorous twist, focusing on famous locations and their mythical qualities.

9. Magical Mishaps

Every wizard and witch occasionally experiences a spell gone wrong—these names celebrate those enchanting errors with a dash of humor.

  1. Backfired Bob
  2. Misfired Mira
  3. Jinxed Jasper
  4. Bungled Bella
  5. Fumbled Fiona
  6. Muddled Matt
  7. Tangled Tanya
  8. Wonky Wilfred
  9. Botched Betty
  10. Clumsy Clara
  11. Loopy Leo
  12. Malfunctioning Max
  13. Oopsie Olivia
  14. Glitchy Greg
  15. Snafu Sal
  16. Boo-boo Becky
  17. Whoopsie Wendy
  18. Slip-up Sid
  19. Blooped Barbara
  20. Goofed Gordon
  21. Erratic Erica
  22. Flubbed Fred
  23. Muffed Molly
  24. Haywire Henry
  25. Kerfuffles Kevin
  26. Fouled-up Fran
  27. Squirrely Steve
  28. Awkward Arnold
  29. Blundered Ben
  30. Confused Cody
  31. Disarrayed Daisy
  32. Flustered Felix
  33. Gaffe Gus
  34. Haywire Harold
  35. Imbalanced Ian
  36. Jammed Julie
  37. Klutzy Kyle
  38. Lopsided Linda
  39. Messy Mitch
  40. Nonsensical Nancy
  41. Offbeat Oscar
  42. Puzzled Patty
  43. Quirky Quinn
  44. Rattled Rachel
  45. Scatterbrained Scott
  46. Topsy-turvy Tara
  47. Unhinged Ursula
  48. Vexed Victor
  49. Wacky Walter
  50. Xylophonic Xavier
  51. Yarn-spun Yolanda
  52. Zigzagged Zack

10. Celestial Sorcery

Inspired by the stars and beyond, these names mix astronomy with a hint of magic and mischief. Perfect for wizards who cast their spells under the night sky.

  1. Andromeda Antics
  2. Comet’s Tail Twist
  3. Stellar Stumble
  4. Galactic Giggles
  5. Meteoric Mirth
  6. Nebula Nonsense
  7. Cosmic Clown
  8. Supernova Smirk
  9. Black Hole Ballyhoo
  10. Starlight Snicker
  11. Lunar Laugh
  12. Solar Flare Scare
  13. Venus Vex
  14. Mars Mischief
  15. Jupiter Jest
  16. Saturn’s Rings of Ridicule
  17. Uranus Upheaval
  18. Neptune’s Nudge
  19. Pluto’s Prank
  20. Milky Way Mayhem
  21. Orion’s Belt Buckle-Up
  22. Cassiopeia’s Crown Cracks
  23. Cygnus’ Silliness
  24. Draco’s Delight
  25. Gemini’s Gags
  26. Hercules’ Hilarity
  27. Lyra’s Lyrics
  28. Pegasus’ Pranks
  29. Perseus’ Puns
  30. Phoenix’s Faux Pas
  31. Pisces’ Plots
  32. Sagittarius’ Sarcasm
  33. Scorpius’ Scoffs
  34. Taurus’ Teases
  35. Virgo’s Vicissitudes
  36. Libra’s Levity
  37. Capricorn’s Capers
  38. Aquarius’ Quirks
  39. Aries’ Antics
  40. Cancer’s Cracks
  41. Leo’s Laughs
  42. Arrow of Artemis Antics
  43. Horn of Plenty Hilarity
  44. Shield of Achilles Chuckles
  45. Winged Sandals Whimsy
  46. Caduceus Capers
  47. Golden Fleece Fun
  48. Labyrinth Laughter
  49. Minotaur’s Missteps
  50. Pegasus’ Pantomime
  51. Cyclops’ Side-eye
  52. Sirens’ Snickers
  53. Medusa’s Muddled Gaze
  54. Hydra’s Hijinks
  55. Charybdis’ Chuckles
  56. Scylla’s Smirks
  57. Argonaut’s Amusement
  58. Olympian Oddities
  59. Trojan Trickery
  60. Delphic Delights
  61. Spartan Spasms
  62. Athenian Antics
  63. Corinthian Caprice
  64. Mycenaean Mischief
  65. Theban Thrills
  66. Cretan Craziness
  67. Macedonian Mirth
  68. Persian Puns
  69. Egyptian Eruptions
  70. Babylonian Banter
  71. Assyrian Assonance
  72. Hittite Hilarity
  73. Phoenician Phun
  74. Canaanite Cackles
  75. Sumerian Smirks


In the world of Hogwarts Legacy, your character’s name is more than just a label—it’s a chance to showcase your creativity and sense of humor. Whether you’ve chosen a name that nods to your favorite wizard, plays on words, or just makes you chuckle, these funny names for Hogwarts Legacy are sure to add a bit of magic to your adventure. As you explore the halls of Hogwarts, duel dark wizards, and uncover hidden secrets, your character’s name will bring an extra layer of fun to every spell you cast. So go ahead, pick a name that reflects your unique personality and makes you smile every time you see it on screen. After all, in a game as immersive and enchanting as Hogwarts Legacy, a funny, clever name is the perfect way to make your mark on the wizarding world. Happy naming!